October 2011

Gaining muscle to lose weight

Time and time again I hear the statement of one of the benefits of exercising for weight loss is to gain muscle which burns more calories than fat thus increasing your metabolism to make it easier to lose weight. One pound of muscle burns 7-10 calories per day compared to 2-3 calories per day for
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Learn how to cook to lose weight

I know there are many people out there who can’t boil water or make toast but for weight loss knowing how to cook can make losing the weight and keeping it off much more enjoyable. Know what you eat.  You can be surprised in what actually is in some of your takeout or at your
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Low carb peanut butter cookies

I was craving a peanut butter cookie, I checked a few recipes online and couldn’t find one that I liked so I came up with the following recipe.  With only 73 calories, 3 grams of protein, and only 1 net carb this beats out nearly all the snacks I see at my local health food
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Using fat as a primary energy source

This may sound like a strange statement, since we have been told that carbohydrates should be our source of energy.  First it may make sense to look at what fat on our body really is but energy storage.  It is very efficient at that for a single gram of fat packs 9 calories.  Just to
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Why do we have an obesity epidemic?

There are several hypothesizes out there and unfortunately none has really been proven as scientific law as we all may remember from grade school science class.  This seems strange given we have government agencies and employers providing advice without the scientific backing to really support the hypothesis’s claim. I will go through a few of
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